Hey everyone! So today was an awesomely fantastic day!
Firstly, the sun was out and shining after days of cloudy, rainy, overall unpleasant weather. While today started out cloudy early on, it steadily developed into a beautiful day!
I had a paper I thought that was due today but is now due next week, which is a HUGE incredible relief.
Spent a lovely bit of quality time with my boy-friend today. I love every moment we can spend together and, as cheesy as it sounds, everything just feels magical when he's around. He makes me so happy ^_^
I got to see the final version of my flier for my leadership group's event. It was very fulfilling seeing my flier used for an actual event. Its going to be all around campus!
On a sadder note, one of my fish died last night (Ponyo) and we thought Sasuke had died as well. BUT Sasuke lives! He is now referred to as the "zombie-fish", which I find quite appropriate. R.I.P. Ponyo.
At student-led worship tonight we had open-mic with the theme "My God Is...". I am an extraordinarily shy and quiet person and was reluctant to share, but one of my better friends, knowing how nervous I was, went up and shared to show me it wasn't s bad. So I did. And it was so worth it. I feel lighter and uplifted and it was good to be able to talk so openly in front of so many people.
Finally, on a good note, I may have a one time job constructing a social network. This may involve both computer skills and graphics design, so I am super excited about the opportunity!
RANDOM QUESTION: I know I've been slacking with the blog, so here is my question for you: In the future, would you like me to do a vlog (video (b)log). This would entail me carrying my camera around all day recording what goes on in my life and then posting it here (probably between 7 an 10 minutes long). Sound good? Maybe not? I'd really appreciate your feedback! :)
That's all for today.
Until next time!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Les Oiseaux et Les Abeilles

"We do WHAT?!"
Just a humorous comic I made for french class. Hopefully my professor can see the humor in it as well. :P
All-in-all, it has been a very good weekend. Spent a lot of time with my boyfriend (which was very nice) and the weather has suddenly turned beautiful, if a tad sporadic (ranging from 36-74 degrees F). There was a ballroom social and we learned Hustle (which I am quite fond of) and we also did some swing, cha-cha, samba, and I attempted tango.
To take a break from knitting, I bought some fabric and stuffing and made a quick pillow (16x16, blue floral print on one side, light green-blue scroll print on the other). My one friend suggested that I make a knitted pillow. I may just have to take up that challenge :P
Well, that is all I have for now. Lots of stuff coming up this week academically.
Until whenever!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patricks Day!!

Firstly I must say Happy St. Patrick' Day! If you see anyone who's not wearing green, remember to pinch them.
A lot of really amazing things have happened since I last posted. First and foremost:
My aunt had her twins! They are both healthy and both beautiful. Unfortunately I haven't finshed their gifts! They should be done soon, but until then, you'll just have to wait and see when I post photos :)
I didn't do much over Spring Break. It was an excelent opportunity to relax and get a bit of shopping done (stocked up on baking supples for when Lent is over). On day 29. Only 11 more days until I can bake ^_^
We joined new family groups in our bible study. I'm in Gold/Taupe family. One of my best friends is in this group and I really look forward to reaching out and getting to know the members of my new family.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful St. Paddy's Day and I would just ask that you keep my new baby cousins in your prayers :)
Until next time!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Men in Capes
Firstly, I must thank Ms. Peggy Bunting to be the first to make a donation online to my Relay for Life team! Our goal as a team is $1000. My personal goal is $200. With Ms. Bunting's donation, I'm 23% there! You can make donations or simply check out my page here:
The American Cancer Society - Relay For Life at Virginia Tech: Jessie Bohrer
I must say it has been a very up and down past few days (mostly very good). I've had one test in mythology (which I panicked far too much about) and I've completed a little more of Auralog (at 5 hours; halfway there and it's due Friday morning!). I'm not very concerned with school work for the remainder of the week. I simply need to turn in my research paper, complete Auralog, and take a French test. Not too bad, if I may say so :)
In other news, I was walking back from bowling (scores of 86 and 97!) and as I was walking, noticed that the man a little ways in front of me was wearing a cape. It looked amazing; man in a cape in dim lamplight at night. I feel inspiration for a story popping up. Is it pitiful that my day can be made simply from someone wearing a cape?
Finishing up my protest music research paper. I chose Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising" as my protest song. What do you all think: is it or is it not a protest song? Leave comments please.
Anywhos, I need to finish up my paper and a bit of Auralog.
2 more days to Spring Break! Yay!
Until Tomorrow!
The American Cancer Society - Relay For Life at Virginia Tech: Jessie Bohrer
I must say it has been a very up and down past few days (mostly very good). I've had one test in mythology (which I panicked far too much about) and I've completed a little more of Auralog (at 5 hours; halfway there and it's due Friday morning!). I'm not very concerned with school work for the remainder of the week. I simply need to turn in my research paper, complete Auralog, and take a French test. Not too bad, if I may say so :)
In other news, I was walking back from bowling (scores of 86 and 97!) and as I was walking, noticed that the man a little ways in front of me was wearing a cape. It looked amazing; man in a cape in dim lamplight at night. I feel inspiration for a story popping up. Is it pitiful that my day can be made simply from someone wearing a cape?
Finishing up my protest music research paper. I chose Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising" as my protest song. What do you all think: is it or is it not a protest song? Leave comments please.
Anywhos, I need to finish up my paper and a bit of Auralog.
2 more days to Spring Break! Yay!
Until Tomorrow!
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