Secondly, HAPPY AUTUMN!! We all know that this is the second best time of year (next to the holiday season) and I just can't help but think of all the things that make this season so beautiful and perfect. The warmth of autumn spices, the changing leaves, the crisp autumn smell in the air...
I've never understood why Spring has more of a "love" feel to it than Fall. Yes, Spring is when everything springs back to life, flowers blossoming, birds singing, etc. I feel that Fall has so much more of a romantic feeling about it. It is warm and full of such deep, rich colors and flavors. Fireplaces, spices, harvest, the amazing display of autumn leaves. Much more romantic than bees and rain, hmmm?
Anywhos, as to what I've been doing for the past several weeks:
-Doing well in school
-Changing from on-campus housing to an apartment
-Decorating aforementioned apartment
-Baking in aforementioned apartment
-Enjoying life in aforementioned apartment
-Enjoying floral design
-Making things messy
-Cleaning some more
-Watching Disney movies and reliving parts of my childhood
-Sewing a plaid dragon (his name is Jake)
-Loving life
In case you were wondering what Jake looks like:

Also, here are some of the arrangements I have been able to make:


I have the day off today, so I think I will go outside and enjoy the amazing Autumn weather (after homework and cleaning and laundry and cooking...)
Until Next Time!