Monday, January 27, 2014

Boca Museum of Art

This past weekend, Matt (my brother) had his first college field trip and was allowed to invite me along. Of course I jumped on a chance to spend time with my brother, and it was an added bonus that it was to an art museum! Being a local, small museum, I really didn’t expect much from it, but I was excited nonetheless. It wasn’t until we entered that I would realise this was definitely going to be a lesson in quality, not quantity.

The museum hosted quite a few pieces, but it had some truly spectacular and unexpected gems. The first piece that stood out simply because I had seen it so many times was Andy Warhol’s famous prints of Marilyn Monroe. Yes, those prints, the ones that have been widely published, widely satirized, and widely known. I just kind of stood there gawking as all of Matt’s fellow students continued on. It was stunning to be faced with such a famous piece, even if it wasn’t really my cup of tea. I could still appreciate it’s historic and cultural value.

The whole point of the trip from Matt’s end was to pick five pieces that he liked and would later have to write about. I was enlisted as his photographer. I have to say it was really fun watching him ponder over different works, reject some and embrace others. Here were his five in the end:

I decided to play the game as well and chose five myself:

It was funny to see that, while we shared a favorite, there was still room for a lot of variety. Overall, it was a pleasant visit to a museum full of variety as well as some great sibling bonding time (which I view as important since I will be returning to Virginia soon).

Which of these pieces is your favorite?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Years' Resolutions

I’m not sure why, but I’ve been thinking a lot lately about things that I would like to do at some point in my life. It is sort of like a bucket list, but instead these are things I’d like to do or try or see in order to learn more, do more, and be more. Some are small and frivolous, some are probably unachievable, but I have only one life, there will never be a chance to do these things again, no “Maybe next time”. So, from the frivolous to fantasy, here are some of things that I would like to do as my Years’ Resolutions:

-Go horseback riding. I enjoy it too much for it to be something I never do again

-Cosplay and go to Comicon at least once (don’t know what as, but I see this as a great opportunity to let my geek flag fly)

-Go to a service or holy site of a religion I have never experienced before. I remember going to Japan and visiting several Shinto sites and realizing that the concept of sacredness is universal across religions. A Shinto temple is just as holy as a Christian church (this does not mean that you have to give up your religion and take on new gods, but it a very eye-and-mind-opening experience).

-Learn new languages. This one is vague, but in a generation where literally everything has become connected worldwide and where travel is extraordinarily easy, it is almost ignorant not to take on one or two new languages if you are privileged enough to do so.

-Learn to Irish Step-Dance. This just looks plain fun, and I got a taste of it when I was in Ireland and loved it.

-Learn to be comfortable as me. I often find myself caring too much what people think, trying to please everyone without stepping back and asking “Is this right for me? Is this what I would do?”. Why should conventions define who I am and what I can do or how I can act? I certainly am not saying this to be rebellious, I just want to be my own person.

-Get a pen-pal. This would be especially fun if they were from another country. How amazing would it be to learn first hand about another culture while sharing your own, all while building a friendship? Sounds pretty fantastic, if you ask me!

-Do all of the things that are on my Bucket List. From travel to once-in-a-lifetime chances, my bucket-list is extensive (and growing) and, while I know it would be difficult, if not impossible, to complete it, it certainly helps to fuel my want for adventure!

These are just a few things that I believe are achievable goals, if I actually take time to do them. I think that is the whole point, to not get so caught up in the perceived "musts" of life, and take time to enrich and enjoy your time here. I am sure that this list will grow and change as I do, but for now, I have put forth my Years' Resolutions and, unlike their more temporary counterparts, I intend to stick to them.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Pin or Lose: Homemade Tea-Infused Soap

So this is a new segment of my blog where I try things I see on Pinterest to test their real-world practicality. Over the weekend, I thought I would try an “easy” one and go for a simple melt-and-pour goat’s milk soap (adding my own flair of tea infusion). The original pin can found here.

The materials (soap molds and all) really weren’t so expensive, so that was a relief. This was especially great as it made 13 bars of soap! I also invested in soap stamps, because, you know, aesthetics are always a priority.

With soap base and melting apparatus at the ready, I began to divy up scents, colors, and, of course, teas. I made super concentrates of peach, mint green, and earl grey tea to add in after the soap melted. The first mix I tried was Earl Grey tea mixed with a citrus oil. The early grey tea was by far the most potent tea and the darkest, so it made a very brown soap, which not only scared the pants off of me (who wants brown soap?!), but also made me give up even trying to color that batch. Here is how it turned out:

The next batch was Mint Green Tea and lavender oil. This came out much lighter, as green tea doesn’t tend to brew dark, but still had a lightish brown tint. I attempted to add almost half a bottle of lilac coloring, hoping for at least a muted purple, but, again, I ended up with brown soap, albeit a slightly more pleasant shade of brown:

The final batch was Peach White Tea and rose oil. This turned a nice, sort of hot chocolate brown and the scent mixture was really nice. Again, any attempt to add color was futile, but I was already alright with what I had, so it didn’t really matter:

I let these all set for about an hour and a half. They had solidified, which made me extremely happy, as I didn’t know if adding the tea would have made them too liquidy. I popped each one out of their mold and lined them up neatly, very pleased with myself. Then, I went to smell them. They smelled terrible. They absolutely reeked of chemicals. I backed away, trying to think of what I did wrong. Maybe the tea reacted poorly with the base? Maybe I had overheated the soap? But...they looked so pretty. They couldn’t possibly smell bad! I then remembered one important part of the soap-making process: soap has to cure overnight. There was still hope!

Sure enough, as time went on, the soaps started to smell much better. By Sunday, they actually smelled pretty nice (overall, it took about 48 hours for them to smell right). My favorite ended up being the mint green tea with lavender. The recipes will definitely need tweaking (maybe I’ll even attempt a more “natural” soap recipe), but this is certainly a decent first try :)

Have you ever tried to make homemade soap (or other hygiene products)?

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, New Place!

Well, I have to say that this year has started off pretty spectacularly. We spent New Year’s Eve in our new apartment in Alexandria, standing on the rooftop with a panoramic fireworks display (photos don’t do it justice). I feel so fortunate to be able to live in a town I’ve loved since the first time I visited, surrounded by endless arrays of travel, culture, art, and entertainment. I am also so happy that Matt loves it too, as it is so different from anywhere he has lived before. Our apartment is beautiful, our town is beautiful, and life is beautiful right now.
Being that it is the beginning of the year, I feel obligated to put my resolutions out there. So, without further ado, my resolutions are:
-No fried food
-Exercise at least 3 times per week (no excuses)
-Not be too self-absorbed, as many good things are happening this year
-Drink more tea and know that everything will be fine
-(Try to) Blog once per week (on Mondays)
-Pursue more creative outlets
That last one is a bit ambiguous, but I feel that I should learn how to make more things, as it is always very fun for me and I enjoy learning new skills. The top two are just because I really need to get to a healthier weight (though I seem to make similar resolutions every year).
For now, I am still in Florida, daydreaming of days in D.C. I will “officially” move back up just as the cold weather subsides and the cherry blossoms bloom. All that remains is to find job, and that can’t be too hard… right?
What are your New Year’s Resolutions?