Sunday, January 31, 2010
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Since the last blog, I have dropped calculus (yes, I know, it's tragic) and am opting to take it at a later date (most likely during the summer). I've also come to really enjoy mythology (aside from the copious amounts of reading) and I am really getting to like french.
Yesterday, it snowed. A lot. I spent most of the day doing a bit of homework, dancing, and playing games with my BCM friends. I really enjoy the game "Ninja", mostly because I generally make it to the final few or win. We also watched "A Knight's Tale". Rest in peace Heath Ledger.
Below are posted some photos of the wonderful snow we received yesterday! Enjoy!
Well, that is all I have for today. I have to complete tomorrow's homework. Hooray for french!
Until whenever!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Business and English and French, Oh My!
This first week back at school has been ridiculously busy! There has been so much homework to do and so many notes to take and so many places to be. I am very glad and privileged to be able to go to college, but still, it has been a lot!
I really am enjoying my classes, despite the work load. Mythology and World Regions are provng to be my favorites so far. Calculus (as predicted) is my least favorite. I already feel I am behind in that class and it's only the second day! Hopefully it will just click someday soon.
Anywhos, sorry for such a short blog, but if you check the time stamp it is past my "bedtime".
Until whenever!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Classes, Classes, Classes
Firstly, by first few days of class have bee fantastic! The weather the first day was amazing (as you can see) and it only rained a little bit yesterday. It's so nice to be back here at Virginia Tech with my friends and bible study group and I really am getting excited for (most of) the classes I'm taking.
Here is a break down of what my impressions of the classes are:
Intro to Business Information Systems:
The teacher (she does not want us to call her professor) talks very fast but keeps the topic interesting. We are required to print lecture notes every day for this class (sorry trees) and add our own notes to them so we may fully understand the material with her notes and our additional notes fromthe spoken lecture.
I am really not sure what to expect of this class. It is not going to be a standard English class, but rather an English class that analyzes music and its affect on culture, and culture and its affect on music. It appears this will be a writing intensive class (we are already writing an in-class paper today) so I really need to resharpen my writing skills.
World Regions:
This class is goin to be interesting. The professor is extraordinarily lively and rather fond of swearing. He promises to offend every single person in the class by the end of the semester (race, religion, etc). We also have a "World Leaders Death Watch" where there are 9 current world leaders on a tic-tac-toe board and if any 3 die in a tic-tac-toe formation,every one in the class gets an A for the semester (I don't know whether to be amused or horrified at this notion). Regardless, I fel I will learn a lot in this class and am looking forwad to it.
Mythology: The professor in this class seems very down to earth and I believe I will enjoy learning from him. The actual topics covered in this course also look to be ver interesting and I honestly cannot wait to delve into the textbook.
Calculus: This class is goin to be trouble. Considering I passed last semester calculus by and extraordinarily slim margin (3 points) I'm not wuite sure yet how I'll do in this course. Firstly, I have to tke a 6 question test on last semester's material and recieve a 5 or 6 (even though a 4 would technically be passing). We'll see how it goes.
French: I came into this class very much afraid that I would be a step or two behind because it has been 6 months since I've last spoken French. However, after spending a few minutes in te class, I realise that I really am going to enjoy it. It is a very comfortable atmosphere and the material is already familiar to me.
Well, those are my initial impressions of my courses. We'll see how those change as the semester goes on.
I hope all of you have a fantastic day!
Until whenever
Monday, January 18, 2010
T'was the Night Before Classes...
All the students were resting
And doing the norm
Some chatting on Facebook
Some anxiously waiting
For classes to start
Some dreading and hating
The thought of their break
Near approaching its end
They hope and they wish
And they beg and pretend
That there really aren't classes
But alas it's not true
Classes are coming
What's a student to do?
For starters, stop blogging
And go get some rest
Get up in the morning
And go do her best
Today is officially the last day before classes start. My blogs will probably be more sporadic from this point on due to assignments and club obligations.
For all of my friends in college, I hope you have a wonderful day of class tomorrow and be sure to get some sleep!
Here is what my schedule looks like for the up-coming semester:
Mythology (8:00)
Calculus (9:05)
French (10:10)
Intro to Business (8:00)
English (9:30)
World Regions (2:00)
Not particularly looking forward to having 8:00 a.m. classes everyday, but at least I'll be done relatively early.
Well, turning in early tonight. Good night everyone and good luck with classes tomorrow!
Until whenever...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Back in Blaksburg!
I had a wonderful ride up with my mom, during which we were extraordinarily goofy (which makes me miss her more now) and listened to all sorts of radio stations. We made it to Tech, unloaded my things (with the help of one of my very good friends) and most of those things remain unpacked today ( I'm writing this over 24 hours after I arrived ).
Today seemed like the longest day I've had in a while (just for having so many things to do!). I went to church and Sunday school, had my first on-campus lunch in over a month, did a little grocery shopping, made birthday crepes for my friends who both had birthdays over the break, tried nutella for the first time (it is incredible), and watched a movie called The Illusionist (which was very good).
Oh, and I brought copious amounts of yarn back with me to Tech...
Well, that's all for today. I figure I should grab some sleep beore classes start on Tuesday.
Until tomorrow!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Hope for Haiti
One customer that came in today was this wonderfully sweet older woman. She could not have been a kinder customer and she was extraordinarily pleasant. During a convrsation wih my dad, we came to find out that she co-runs a missionary in Haiti where 90 babies and their care-givers are/were resident. She has not heard from them since the devestating earthquake a few days ago. I ask that you would pray for them (if it is in your faith) and just think about them until this crisis is over.
The older wman was extrememly positive throughout the entire conversation and transaction and I admire people so much who have that sort of strength and faith. I admire her and the thousands affected my this tragedy who are pulling through and looking on to a brihter day, which is sure to come.
As far as what I've done in the past two days:
-Knitted (a lot)
-Watched all 16 episodes of Baccano (my eyes are still sore from having to read so many subtitles over the course of 7 1/2 hours; completely worth it though)
-Went to work
-Had a few very nice conversations with a few very nice people
Until tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Just For Fun
The above image is one of my attempts at creating celtic inspired artwork. It was created using a site called my It's a site where you make kaleidoscope images. There are some really fantastic ones up there :)
So, aside from this image, I generally hand draw my art and then, if I am compelled to, I will color them in Photoshop. I love to draw, especially fantasy art (fairies, dragons, etc). I like to draw such thing becuse they are free of limitations. They can look any way I chose and be anything I will them to be. For example, in a realistic piece, a bird would have two wings and two legs, whereas in fantasy I can make it have four wings and incorporate it any way I like.
If you would care to see any of my doodles, you can do so at my online art profile at Elfwood:
Not much else today. I knitted 3 squares of the current birthday scarf and set up my brothers computer (which was previously mine, but we recently restored it and made it his). He was super excited about the whole deal. I installed Office and iTunes on his computer and am going to install Skype tomorrow so we can keep in touch while I'm at college. :)
Until tomorrow!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Animal Abuse
"Why did they hurt me?"
"Why did they abandon me?"
"Am I going to die today?"
These are the familiar opening words to the Humane Society animal abuse ad. Each time it comes on, I can't help but hold back my tears as I hold my dog close as a reassurance the she is loved and cared for. I guess that's what I get for watching Animal Planet for 2 hours; that ad was bound to come on a couple of times.
It breaks my heart every time I hear about animal abuse and cruelty. By our rules, animals do not need to give us consent to mutilate their bodies, we do not have to respect their bodies, and we often pass them off as stupid and unfeeling (I use "we" loosely, as in the entire human race). If we all took a moment to observe animal behaviors, it would become very apparent that they think and feel and actually create some pretty ingenious methods for going about their tasks. And animals that are bred as pets (mainly dogs) are easily trainable if you are willing to listen to them and read their emotions.
If you are going to adopt a pet, yo need to be willing to love it and take care of it and respect it as a member of your family. It is not a toy, it is not an accesory, it is a living, breathing, feeling, sentient being that wants nothing more than to be loved and have a family. That is why it breaks my heart when I hear about animal cruelty; a living creature was misused and abused because of a human's ignorance and own twisted emotions. How could you hurt something like that that only wanted to love you and be loved by you? How can you hurt something that has given you it's undying loyalty? How can you hurt something that didn't have a choice in what life it was to have?
That's what realy hits me; the animal didn't chose to be brought into an abusive home, an abusive home chose the animal. The animal can't protest, can't make its own choice. It has its fate chosen for it and too many times that leads to abuse.
And it's not just pets. Animal testing is a heartbreaking sight to me as well. Again, the animals did not give us consent to ruin and poison their bodies and minds. What gives us the right?
And that's my bit of ranting...
As far as what I did today: Browsed the World Wildlife Foundation website, the Humane Society website, knitted, went on a four mile bike ride, and ate Pocky.
That's all for today!
Until tomorrow!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
When Worlds Collide
We headed home and dropped my dad off so he could watch football. We then went back out (my mom, my brother, and I) and I went to Trader Joe's, where I found my favorite brand of granola for only $2.39 a bag! I picked up three and proceeded to the checkout line. While waiting, I saw someone in line a few rows down that looked like my ex-boyfriend. I shot him a text asking if he was in Trader Joe's and couldn't help but laugh as I watched him try to find me in the store. We eventually made eye contact and, after making our purchases, proceeded to talk a bit about college and other such things and then went our separate ways. I am very glad that there really aren't any bad feelings between the two of us, but he just wasn't my Mr. Bingley.
Upon arriving home, I set aside my groceries and went directly to my computer to start a few conversations, glancing so often at the TV to watch as my football team was crushed (New England Patriots). While holding my conversations, I also began to knit, as this birthday scarf will have to be done by the end of the week. Somewhere between typing a message and stitching a row I laughed at myself. Here I was holding 4 simultaneous conversations via the Internet while knitting a scarf. What an odd combination! I thought "Here I am! The two things that define my hobbies; my computer and my yarn".
It does make me laugh every once in a wile about how I love both old-fashioned things and modern things. I love knitting and baking and I love using the Internet and photo-shopping my drawings to finish them. I have found the connection: as long as I am creating something, I am happy. I love to create things, especially those that are uniquely mine, like a new recipe or a drawing or a scarf. I love using my hands and my mind to make whatever my imagination wills me to. I believe this to be the connection between my old-soul and my new-soul (although the two are still very separate sides of me).
Well that's all for today!
Until tomorrow!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Far To Much Knitting!
Let's start with yesterday's going-ons:
Yesterday I got to spend a few hours with one of my very close friends. We went and saw a movie (Youth in Revolt). That had to be one of the most uncomfortable movies I've ever had to sit thru. The entire movie revolved around sex and, while it had some funny parts, it was extremely crude.
After the movie I went home and finished the birthday scarf! I would post a picture of it but, again, I want it to be a surprise. I promise I'll put a picture of it up in a future blog.
Today, being Saturday, I went to work. It was actually a fairly fun day at work. A few of my favorite customers came in and, overall, it was a pretty enjoyable day. It was really strange though; eight people came in today asking for copies of their licenses for passports. Is there some sort of deadline coming up that I am unaware of? If so, someone please inform me.
Today, for lack of having a birthday scarf to work on, I started another birthday scarf! After spending 2/3 of my pay for today on tea and more yarn, I now feel adequately prepared to create several more birthday scarves. I'm very excited!
I had a craziness moment today. The yarn I am using to make this new birthday scarf if Patton-brand. While casting on the first row, I noticed that the yarn smelled really nice (compared to other yarns). Am I crazy for thinking that yarn smells really good?
Anywhos, watching football right now (Eagles v Cowboys). I'm not really rooting for any one teamm, and at this point (end of the 2nd quarter) Dallas is winning 24 - 7.
Until tomorrow!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
This Is Not A Blog
Good night!
Until tomorrow!
(hopefully something more interesting happens then).
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Cooking Concoction
I did some interesting baking today! I wanted to bake cookies, but didn't have the proper mix-ins, so I improvised! Instead of:
Chocolate chips
White chocolate chips
Dark chocolate chips
I used:
Chocolate chunks
White chocolate chips
Rolled Oats
The recipe ended up yielding huge cookies, so they had to bake a bit longer, but they came out really well. They have a cakey consistency and are very tasty despite the improvised add-ins.
Sorry for such a short blog, but despite how busy today felt, I guess not that much actualy went on! Tomorrow I'm going back into work so I'll bring in some cookies for everyone.
That's all for now.
Until tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Good Friends and Puppy Problems
After the initial probing and testing, they concluded that she has fleas. They are species specific, so they won't bite me or my family. Roxxie is going to be ok, we just have to give her a stronger flea medication and clean all of the places she sleeps (including my bed). My friend stayed with me the entire time and then drove me home to drop of my puppy and took me to dinner/lunch at Tijuana Flats (which was really good).
It was really nice seeing this friend (whom I hadn't seen in 6 months) and having him go out of his way to help me. I really have missed him and it was nice to just spend time with him. I also got to talk with a lot of good friends today and reconnect with a few (thanks to Facebook). I love being able to just start talking with someone who I haven't seen in a long time and pick up like its only been a few days. Knowing that friendships I've made are strong enough to overcome distance and time is so comforting. I love all of my friends and I really don't want to lose any of them, so its nice to know that I've at least made a few really lasting friendships.
Nothing much else happened today. No baking, no knitting.
Until tomorrow!
Oh! I found another loveley piano song!
To play it, click the link below and click play on the black box in the top-right of the webpage that comes up. Its called "Lady So Fair" by Thomas Cunningham.
Monday, January 4, 2010
A Day of Piano Music and Muffins
After getting my fill of computer usage, I turned my iTune's onto my favorite piano radio station (Solo Piano - SKY FM) so I'd have some music to listen to while doing a bit of cleaning. While cleaning, the most beautiful song came on. It sounded familiar and new all at the same time. I rushed from the living room to my computer to see what song it was. It was San Souci, a short piano song I had heard once before. It sounded new because it was by a different composer (John B. deHaas) and I much prefere this version of it. Although the song is not that long, it is simply very beautiful. I'll post a link to it at the end of the blog.
After finishing tidying up, I went back onto my computer and talked more with some of my friends from Virginia Tech. We talked for a couple of hours about the upcoming semester and the books we have to buy and the courses we're taking. I did my research today on the books I'll need and found that I'll need five books for just one of my classes (Greek and Roman Mythology). I'm very excited about that class, but that is a lot of books! Altogether, I'm going to buy nine books. I can reuse my calculus book this semester and apparently I don't need any books for my english class, which I find quite peculiar.
I did do some baking today. I baked a half batch of chocolate chip muffins simply because I felt I hadn't really done much all day (that, and I really wanted to bake). They came out pretty well; no tunnels or peaks, but they don't taste as sweet as I'd hoped. They are still very good and I'm sure they will be someone's breafast over the next few days.
Nothing else much planned for today. I hope you all had a wonderful Monday!
Until tomorrow!
Here is the URL for San Souci:
Sunday, January 3, 2010
One Week Anniversary!
Today was a very quiet day. I went to church with my friend and his brother and the three of us got to bring up the gifts for communion (I brought up the wine ). It was a longer mass today because they were confirming new members of the church. It was nice seeing younger people (albeit only a few years younger than me) become involved in their church and their love of God.
After church, I went over to my friends house and we watched Shawn of the Dead (very funny ) and a bit of Miss Congeniality along with some cartoons. I do enjoy some of the newer cartoons on Cartoon Network and there was a Flapjack mini-marathon on today, much to the amusement of my friend's brother and I. It was rather fun being all crowded on a couch and just not doing much of anything while spending time with my friends. It's a comfort to know that I have friends that we can sit, do nothing, and still enjoy each other's company and have a good time.
I did not knit or bake at all today. It was simply a very quiet and relaxing day with my friend and his family.
I hope you all have a wonderful start to your weeks, whether you are relaxing on break or going back to work or school.
Until tomorrow!
Until tomorrow!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Different Kinds of Hope
I work at my dad's UPS Store as a clerk and as a graphics designer. It is a very good job and I really do enjoy it, especially since we have consistently nice customers.
Today, we had a lot of genuinely nice and interesting customers. Two in particular stood out in my mind;
The first one that came in was a younger woman (probably in her thirties or so). She was shipping out a few late Christmas presents and I noticed some of the items came from Kohls. I commented on it, saying how much I loved the store, and she replied that she enjoyed it as well, particularly because they had very nice baby clothes. She then proceeded to tell me how she had just recently had a beautiful baby girl! I congratulated her and we proceeded to talk about baby things and got on the topic of me knitting, etc. This customer was just so happy the entire time she was talking and it was wonderful to just see someone with so much hope for the future; for herself, for her baby girl, and for her whole family. I love hearing about new life in the world, especially when the mother is just so happy about her new child.
The second customer was an older gentleman who came in to make copies. He was wearing a lot of Virginia Tech clothing, so I asked him if he was a fan. He said yes, and continued saying that that is where his daughter had gone to college. He was excited to hear that that is where I am going and we talked generally about the college. He then went on to tell me that his daughter had died of cancer just last year. I gave my condolences and we continued to talk as he made copies. He remained very optimistic throughout the conversation and I just found it so uplifting that people can overcome such painful loss, especially a parent losing their child. I simply cannot imagine the pain and devastation parents in that situation must feel. To see him so hopeful and in good spirits was very inspirational.
After he had finished, I glanced to see what he had made copies of. It was copies from a short story called "Letting Go". I asked him about it and he told me he was making copies of it for parents who are coping with their children just going into college. It was a story, he said, to help them with letting their children become independent as they transition from childhood to adulthood. He then wished me good luck in my first year of college and I wished him a good day as he left.
I found it so fascinating that while these two people had completely contrasting events occuring if their lives, they were still so hopeful for the future. They both had such optimistic outlooks on life and it just made my day better talking to these people and sharing in their hope and happiness and faith. It just goes to show, starting a small conversation with someone can lead to such great insight to the good that really does exist in a world that can at times seem so chaotic and backwards.
Well, nothing more happening today aside from baking more bread.
Until tomorrow!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Where is My Mr. Bingley?
For those of you who were wondering, the name of the italian restaurant my family and I went to last night was Il Giardino. It is located on 1oth and Atlantic and it is well worth it.
Now, on to the main topic of this blog...
Last night while watching the ball drop for new years, I couldn't help but feel lonely as they showed shot after shot of couples kissing in celebration. Just seeing the love that two people could share made my being single feel extraordinarily magnified. I generally enjoy being single (I've only had one relationship in my whole life) but I always tend to feel a little tug at my heart every time I see a couple holding hands or kissing. I want to be able to share feelings like that with someone and know that they will share those same feelings (not necesarily on a physical level at all, just emotional).
Unfortunately, I am waiting for a Mr. Bingley, which are in short supply these days, it seems. I do not want a Mr. Darcy. Forget about Darcy, he was a terrible person for the majority of story, whereas Mr. Bingley was a gentleman from the get-go.
I'm the sort of person where a man holding open the door for me and saying "Please, after you" can be the highlight of my day. I am wildly impressed by good manners and find most of today's men very lacking in that category. The way that some men treat women today is absolutely appalling and it saddens me (likewise, the way that some women treat men). All I'm asking for is a gentleman and it seems like everytime I come across one, he is already taken. It always makes me wonder "Why not me?".
I am lucky and grateful to have such gentlemen as friends and I hope that there is a Bingley (or a later-in-the-story Darcy) out there who is simply perfect for me.
Moving on to a less heavy topic, I realize that today is New Years and was wondering if anyone had any resolutions. Please, do post them in the comments! I am eager to know what they are.
I have three thus far:
1) Do cardio exercise three times a week at a set time
2) Do sit-ups in increments of 10 per week (for example, the first week I'll do 10 per day, the second week I'll do 20 per week, etc.) until I can do 100 sit-ups per day.
3) To really work on my relationship with God
I know 1 and 3 sound fairly vague, but I really don't have a plan of action for either yet. Suggestions would be appreciated.
That's all for today.
I hope you all can find your own Bingleys or Janes (if you are so inclined to gentlemen/women).
Until tomorrow!
Knitting in the New Year
After dinner, I was planning on writing my daily blog, but I was invited over one of my friend's houses to celebrate the New Year. We watched Paranormal Activity (which is every bit as terrifying as people claim; I shall not be sleeping for several weeks now) and then just sat and talked for a while. I found it so nice to be able to have fun with my friends at this age without them drinking or doing harmful activities. To just be able to sit, talk, laugh, and have a good time in and of itself is just...nice, and I am grateful to have such wonderful friends.
So, after talking for a little while longer, we watched the ball drop in Time Square, counted it down, and set off some poppers to ring in the New Year. After the excitement had died down and we toasted to a better year with our glasses of sparkling grape juice, we all settled in and just talked for several more hours ( I did not go to bed until 6 am; I'm writing this blog at 10:30 am ). While we were talking, I pulled out my knitting needles and yarn, much to the amusement of my friends and finished a good portion of the birthday scarf. Later on, my friend invited two of his friends over, whom I had not previously met, and I am now permanantly the "knitting girl" to them. All-in-all, it was a very fun night.
That's all for now. There will be another blog later today. Stay tuned!
Happy New Year!