Today was very quiet. After writing "yesterday's" blog this morning, I proceeded to play on the computer, have several compelling conversations, and all-around just be quite lazy.
For those of you who were wondering, the name of the italian restaurant my family and I went to last night was Il Giardino. It is located on 1oth and Atlantic and it is well worth it.
Now, on to the main topic of this blog...
Last night while watching the ball drop for new years, I couldn't help but feel lonely as they showed shot after shot of couples kissing in celebration. Just seeing the love that two people could share made my being single feel extraordinarily magnified. I generally enjoy being single (I've only had one relationship in my whole life) but I always tend to feel a little tug at my heart every time I see a couple holding hands or kissing. I want to be able to share feelings like that with someone and know that they will share those same feelings (not necesarily on a physical level at all, just emotional).
Unfortunately, I am waiting for a Mr. Bingley, which are in short supply these days, it seems. I
do not want a Mr. Darcy. Forget about Darcy, he was a terrible person for the majority of story, whereas Mr. Bingley was a gentleman from the get-go.
I'm the sort of person where a man holding open the door for me and saying "Please, after you" can be the highlight of my day. I am wildly impressed by good manners and find most of today's men very lacking in that category. The way that some men treat women today is absolutely appalling and it saddens me (likewise, the way that some women treat men). All I'm asking for is a gentleman and it seems like everytime I come across one, he is already taken. It always makes me wonder "Why not me?".
I am lucky and grateful to have such gentlemen as friends and I hope that there is a Bingley (or a later-in-the-story Darcy) out there who is simply perfect for me.
Moving on to a less heavy topic, I realize that today is New Years and was wondering if anyone had any resolutions. Please, do post them in the comments! I am eager to know what they are.
I have three thus far:
1) Do cardio exercise three times a week at a set time
2) Do sit-ups in increments of 10 per week (for example, the first week I'll do 10 per day, the second week I'll do 20 per week, etc.) until I can do 100 sit-ups per day.
3) To really work on my relationship with God
I know 1 and 3 sound fairly vague, but I really don't have a plan of action for either yet. Suggestions would be appreciated.
That's all for today.
I hope you all can find your own Bingleys or Janes (if you are so inclined to gentlemen/women).
Until tomorrow!