Firstly, by first few days of class have bee fantastic! The weather the first day was amazing (as you can see) and it only rained a little bit yesterday. It's so nice to be back here at Virginia Tech with my friends and bible study group and I really am getting excited for (most of) the classes I'm taking.
Here is a break down of what my impressions of the classes are:
Intro to Business Information Systems:
The teacher (she does not want us to call her professor) talks very fast but keeps the topic interesting. We are required to print lecture notes every day for this class (sorry trees) and add our own notes to them so we may fully understand the material with her notes and our additional notes fromthe spoken lecture.
I am really not sure what to expect of this class. It is not going to be a standard English class, but rather an English class that analyzes music and its affect on culture, and culture and its affect on music. It appears this will be a writing intensive class (we are already writing an in-class paper today) so I really need to resharpen my writing skills.
World Regions:
This class is goin to be interesting. The professor is extraordinarily lively and rather fond of swearing. He promises to offend every single person in the class by the end of the semester (race, religion, etc). We also have a "World Leaders Death Watch" where there are 9 current world leaders on a tic-tac-toe board and if any 3 die in a tic-tac-toe formation,every one in the class gets an A for the semester (I don't know whether to be amused or horrified at this notion). Regardless, I fel I will learn a lot in this class and am looking forwad to it.
Mythology: The professor in this class seems very down to earth and I believe I will enjoy learning from him. The actual topics covered in this course also look to be ver interesting and I honestly cannot wait to delve into the textbook.
Calculus: This class is goin to be trouble. Considering I passed last semester calculus by and extraordinarily slim margin (3 points) I'm not wuite sure yet how I'll do in this course. Firstly, I have to tke a 6 question test on last semester's material and recieve a 5 or 6 (even though a 4 would technically be passing). We'll see how it goes.
French: I came into this class very much afraid that I would be a step or two behind because it has been 6 months since I've last spoken French. However, after spending a few minutes in te class, I realise that I really am going to enjoy it. It is a very comfortable atmosphere and the material is already familiar to me.
Well, those are my initial impressions of my courses. We'll see how those change as the semester goes on.
I hope all of you have a fantastic day!
Until whenever
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