After 36 collective hours of knitting and a 7 hour car drive, the blankets for the twins have finally been completed! It was such a joy to make something that I know will be enjoyed and that I put a lot of love into.
The trip to Connecticut was one that we haven’t done in a while and I had forgotten just how long it really takes (Delaware is a lot bigger than one would think). I was frantically knitting the entire ride trying to complete the last few squares of the blue blanket, so while it was a long ride, I hardly noticed for the mass of yarn that kept me occupied.
While in New York, we stopped at our favorite shopping mall from when my brother and I were younger. The mall is enormous (equipped with a Ferris Wheel, Carousel, and multi-screen Imax theatre) and while I did not do any actual shopping, it was nice just to walk around a place that I associate with many positive memories and experiences.
After the brief trip to the mall, we continued into Connecticut. It was a wonderful feeling when the highway signs and exits started to become more and more familiar, landmarks reminding me of so many trips with my family. Exiting the highway, I can point out houses of my friends from my old bus route when I was little and then we pull up to my grandparents’ driveway and I feel so at home.
It was a bit strange going back to a place I had spent so much of my childhood at. It was even stranger seeing how much it had changed. Parks were now parking lots, trees and grass were now shops, home town mom-and-pops were changed out for chains. It was weird seeing how much a familiar place can become something different and while I will always think of Connecticut as my home, it isn’t my home any more. I still have amazing friends and family there, but it just is so bizarre to live in Virginia, my new home, but still think of home as Connecticut. I love it there and I will never forget my incredible friends and experiences.
The day of the Christening, I finally got to meet my new baby cousins. It is a beautiful thing to see new lives in the world and seeing my cousins just open their eyes and take in everything, going through new experiences, was amazing. The Christening was a wonderful and spiritual ceremony and it simply was nice to be in a church and share the spirituality with my family and the new babies.
The trip went entirely too fast. I could have spent weeks going back through my home town and the surrounding cities, just remembering everything I have done with my family and friends. I would have loved to visit with my friends. On an extremely fortunate chance, my best friend from Connecticut may be coming down here for a brief vacation. I dearly miss her and hope that I can see her!
To be put simply, I had an incredible trip and I hope I will be able to do it again in the near future :)
Until next time!
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