Thursday, May 20, 2010

One Year Down, Three to Go!

As always, I'm going to apologise for not blogging in over a week. I have been insanely busy moving back in from college, working, knitting, catching up with old friends, and missing my boyfriend. It has been a great week back so far and I'm sure the blogs will only get more interesting as the summer progresses.

I can't believe my first year of college is over! It went by incredibly fast and yet so much happened. I learned so much, I met great people, and got to experience a bunch of new things and really get to know myself. I've noticed that I have become much more confident, much more social, and have become more willing to try new things (ex: ballroom!).

Looking back on this year, it is really interesting to see how much I changed. All changes have been for the better. I feel that I have matured and am starting to grasp a sense of the "real world", but am still letting myself have fun. I was able to do a little self-exploring and figure out what I want to do (never thought I would work in geography!) and figure out what sorts of people I really enjoy spending time with. My emotions have become much more under control and I am more able to clearly express them.

Physically, I lost a lot of weight, learned how to eat better foods and learned what foods I personally need and enjoy. I became more confident with my appearance and for the first time in my life, I am actually happy and comfortable with how I look.

One other thing we can't forget about college: Independence. Living without my parents was unnerving the first few weeks of school. However, after the initial shock, I found that level of independence quite enjoyable and was able to keep on top of things (with a little work and multiple schedules and calendars).

All-in-all, my first year was fantastic. I love my school, I love my friends, I love what I'm learning, and I love this opportunity to really learn about myself.

But now it is Summer.

Nothing to learn.

No classes to go to.

Nothing to do.

So, to keep myself from becoming a complete and total couch-potato, I'm going to create a set of goals to accomplish during or by the end of summer:

-Start a vegetable garden
-Start a windowsill herb garden
-Lose 10 pounds
-Bike twice per week
-(try to do) Yoga twice per week
-Do SOMETHING to keep my brain active
-Watch no more than 4 hours of TV per day
-Have fun

Its shaping up to be an excellent summer and I can't wait to see all of my friends and family throughout the upcoming months.

Until whenever!

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