Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Toy Box

After weeks of oppressive heat, it has finally cooled down enough to where I can ride my bicycle outside of the neighborhood. My brother decided that he wanted to see a movie today and so we biked out to the movie theatre and decided to watch Toy Story 3. It was a great movie and it made me think about growing up and all of the toys I've loved and played with, the ones I've kept or donated or just plain thrown away.

I find it funny that people can grow such an attachment to an inanimate object, especially toys. As children, those are our playmates and the objects that allow our creativity and imagination to flourish, so I suppose a lot of the connection springs from that. But I also wonder why we don't create that connection with other toys (the one we throw away). Why do we have "favorite" toys? I don't think its quite the same as having a favorite song or color. A toy is something you interact with and develop a special connection with. But why and how does that happen?

I know over the years I have thrown away and given away many of my toys or have become bored with toys within a matter of weeks. Why is it then that I keep the stuffed sheep I've had since I was a newborn or the legoes I played with for years as a child? I guess that is the sentimentality; simply the memories I have with these toys gives me a special attachment to them. Why this doesn't/didn't happen with other toys, I'll never know, but I suppose it just all depends on how I interacted with them and took to them when I was very young.

Anywhos, I highly recommend seeing the movie, especially if you enjoyed the first two. It was very clever and had a wonderful plot.

Until whenever!

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