Saturday, November 13, 2010

Big Paws and a Big Pause

Last week, just after my last post, my boyfriend suggested an incredibly fun idea for the weekend: going to the zoo! I didn’t even know that there was a zoo around here! Saturday morning, we headed out (my boyfriend, his sister, and myself) and took the hour drive to Natural Bridge Park and turned into a tiny gravel driveway with a rather old building. We paid for the tickets and then proceeded on to see the animals.

For a zoo that 1) Was in the middle of nowhere and 2) Looked rather worn down, there were a lot of animals! Lemurs, camels, giraffes (which were incredibly fun to feed), deer, rheas, moneys, and, (most importantly) BABY TIGERS!!!!!!! They were adorable! There was a Bengal cub and a White cub. They were so cute playing with each other and their paws were enormous compared to their bodies. Why is it that disproportion in baby animals is what generally makes them so cute?
Following our trip to the zoo, we headed to our favorite antique shop. I found the desk with the secret compartments that I had discovered and found (to my relief) that the papers inside the secret compartments were still there. I was the first person to touch these papers since 1923 and, since I can’t afford the desk ($995), I decided to ask if I could simply buy the papers. I was able to happily purchase them for $3.

Sunday came and went without much going on. The school week followed without many blips on the radar, except a Geography test. It is now Saturday morning. I’ve woken up early, just early enough to see the sunrise and I’m just sitting here, thinking, just taking time to relax and let myself fully know that today is going to be good. I could sit here for hours just thinking, sort of pushing a Pause button on life. I have nowhere to be. I have nothing to do. I can just relax.
It’s a rather nice feeling :)

I hope anyone who reads this takes just a little time today (and everyday) to just relax and be at peace, just for a little bit.

Until next time!

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