Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Got Sunshine On a Cloudy Day

Hey everyone! So today was an awesomely fantastic day!

Firstly, the sun was out and shining after days of cloudy, rainy, overall unpleasant weather. While today started out cloudy early on, it steadily developed into a beautiful day!

I had a paper I thought that was due today but is now due next week, which is a HUGE incredible relief.

Spent a lovely bit of quality time with my boy-friend today. I love every moment we can spend together and, as cheesy as it sounds, everything just feels magical when he's around. He makes me so happy ^_^

I got to see the final version of my flier for my leadership group's event. It was very fulfilling seeing my flier used for an actual event. Its going to be all around campus!

On a sadder note, one of my fish died last night (Ponyo) and we thought Sasuke had died as well. BUT Sasuke lives! He is now referred to as the "zombie-fish", which I find quite appropriate. R.I.P. Ponyo.

At student-led worship tonight we had open-mic with the theme "My God Is...". I am an extraordinarily shy and quiet person and was reluctant to share, but one of my better friends, knowing how nervous I was, went up and shared to show me it wasn't s bad. So I did. And it was so worth it. I feel lighter and uplifted and it was good to be able to talk so openly in front of so many people.

Finally, on a good note, I may have a one time job constructing a social network. This may involve both computer skills and graphics design, so I am super excited about the opportunity!

RANDOM QUESTION: I know I've been slacking with the blog, so here is my question for you: In the future, would you like me to do a vlog (video (b)log). This would entail me carrying my camera around all day recording what goes on in my life and then posting it here (probably between 7 an 10 minutes long). Sound good? Maybe not? I'd really appreciate your feedback! :)

That's all for today.

Until next time!

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