Monday, January 4, 2010

A Day of Piano Music and Muffins

Today was a another very relaxed day. It did feel strange to wake up and have no one else in the house (provided I did wake up at about 10). After getting up and ready for the day, I headed downstairs just to sit on the couch and play on my computer. I had a few very nice conversations via Facebook and AIM, especially one with my friend in Colorado (whom I only normally talk to at night because of the time zone difference). I love Facebook and Aim solely for that reason; that I can easily keep in touch with good friends that live far away. I do like to write the occasional letter, but it is just just easy to log onto my computer and be able to talk to one of my friends (sometimes several friends at a time).

After getting my fill of computer usage, I turned my iTune's onto my favorite piano radio station (Solo Piano - SKY FM) so I'd have some music to listen to while doing a bit of cleaning. While cleaning, the most beautiful song came on. It sounded familiar and new all at the same time. I rushed from the living room to my computer to see what song it was. It was San Souci, a short piano song I had heard once before. It sounded new because it was by a different composer (John B. deHaas) and I much prefere this version of it. Although the song is not that long, it is simply very beautiful. I'll post a link to it at the end of the blog.

After finishing tidying up, I went back onto my computer and talked more with some of my friends from Virginia Tech. We talked for a couple of hours about the upcoming semester and the books we have to buy and the courses we're taking. I did my research today on the books I'll need and found that I'll need five books for just one of my classes (Greek and Roman Mythology). I'm very excited about that class, but that is a lot of books! Altogether, I'm going to buy nine books. I can reuse my calculus book this semester and apparently I don't need any books for my english class, which I find quite peculiar.

I did do some baking today. I baked a half batch of chocolate chip muffins simply because I felt I hadn't really done much all day (that, and I really wanted to bake). They came out pretty well; no tunnels or peaks, but they don't taste as sweet as I'd hoped. They are still very good and I'm sure they will be someone's breafast over the next few days.

Nothing else much planned for today. I hope you all had a wonderful Monday!

Until tomorrow!

Here is the URL for San Souci:

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